
1。From small beginning come great things。 (偉大始於渺小)

2。Good advice is beyond all price。 (忠告是無價之寶)

3。If winter comes,can spring be far behind?(冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?)

4。I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat。 (我所能奉獻的只有熱血、辛勞、眼淚與汗水。)

5。Constant dropping wears away a stone。 (滴水穿石。)

6。Knowing something of everything and everything of something。 (通百藝而專一長。)

7。East or west,home is best。 (金窩銀窩,不如自家的狗窩。)

8。As a man sows,so he shall reap。 (種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。)

9。A lazy youth,a lousy age。 (少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。)

10。A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit。 (吃一塹,長一智。)

11。A good medicine tastes bitter。 (良藥苦口利於病,忠言利耳利於行。)

12。There is no royal road to learning。 (書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。)

13。 Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect。 (不要只因一次失敗,就放棄你原來決心想達到的目的。)

14。The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today。 (實現明天理想的唯一障礙是今天的疑慮。)

15。Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm。 (無熱情則成就不了偉業。)

16。Nothing is impossible for a willing heart。 (心之所願,無所不成。)

17。An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening。 (一日之計在於晨。)

18。All things are difficult before they are easy。 (凡事必先難後易。)

19。Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand。 (腦中有知識,勝過手中有金錢。)

20。Storms make trees take deeper roots。 (風暴使樹木深深紮根。)

21。Better an empty purse than an empty head。 (寧可錢袋癟,不要腦袋空。)

22。One day is worth two tomorrows。 (一個今天抵得上兩個明天。)

23。A little learning is a dangerous thing。 (學問淺薄,如履薄冰。)

24。Activity is the only road to knowledge。 (紙上得來終覺淺,絕知此事要躬行。)

25。If a thing is worth doing,it is worth doing well。 (如果事情值得去做,就值得去做好。)

26。Content is better than riches。 (知足者常樂。)

27。The man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossible。 (擁有必勝信念的人絕不會說不可能。)

28。Purse your object,be it what it will,steadily and indefatigably。 (不管追求什麼目標,都應堅持不懈。)

29。A true friend is known in the day of adversity。 (疾風知勁草,患難見真情。)

30。Time and tide wait for no man。 (時不我待。)



A giant leap often starts with small steps。 (千里之行,始於足下。)
