argue的形容詞是什麼?玲兒51820092022-02-28 17:14:42

argue的形容詞可以是 arguable

argue作動詞釋義之一 to give reasons why you think that sth is right/ wrong, true/not true, etc。, especially to persuade people that you are right。 論證; 說理;爭辯

例句 They argued for the right to strike。 他們據理力爭罷工權利。

arguable 作形容詞釋義 that you can give good reasons for 可論證的

例句 It is arguable that giving too much detail may actually be confusing。 過分詳細反而使人糊塗的說法是有道理的。

argue的形容詞是什麼?自強必盛2022-02-28 15:25:05

!argue的形容詞是arguable,adj。 無把握的,有疑問的;可論證的,有論據的

It is arguable whether he ever had much control over the real economic power。仍無法確定他是否曾經較強地控制過真正的經濟力量。

It is arguable that the majority of university students fall into this category。

argue的形容詞是什麼?海芋花兒2021-01-05 21:16:15
