not only倒裝的條件?TGIF幸運週五2022-01-04 19:52:25

Not only放句首,該分句部分倒裝。 Not only。。。 but also連線兩個分割槽, Not only放句首該分句部分倒裝,但是but also連線的分句不倒裝。舉例如下:

Not only does he speak Spanish, he also knows how to type。

Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily。

Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender。


1。只有當not only。。。 but also連線兩個分句時,才會在第1個分句使用倒裝。

2。 那是only,but also連線兩個並列詞語,不能使用倒裝結構。

Not only you but also I AM fond of music。

本質上not only。。。 but also句型的倒裝,就是否定詞放句首,句子形成部分倒裝,示例如下:

Never will I forget the friendship with Jessica。

By no means can we forget that solving Taiwan issue is entirely international Chinese affair。

Little did I think that I would become a doctor。


Hardly 。。。when。。。

no sooner。。。 than。。。

Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her。

No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her。

not only倒裝的條件?mollyzhang2021-12-31 22:02:16

not only 放在句首時,要部分倒裝(藉助助動詞)。

如:Not only do we come to school on time every day ,but also we must work hard。

not only。。。but also 這個句型屬於“以否定詞開頭部分倒裝“的句子結構並且 詞結構僅在連線兩個句子的時候,在第一個分句用倒裝結構,所以Not only will our society decline but our civilization will be ruined。