怎麼用英語表達一個人膚色黝黑?使用者43932643557445732019-12-27 20:56:09

黑面板:black-skinned,dark skin,black skin。例句:His white hair was in sharp contrast to ( ie was very noticeably different from ) his dark skin他的白頭髮與黑面板形成了鮮明的對比A wan sun came onto his face, making the black skin shine like dull metal。淡淡的陽光照到他的臉上,使他的黑面板象一塊沒有光澤的金屬一樣閃亮。Isaac Julien‘s film and photographic series True North (2005-2006) depicts a lone black -skinnedfigure traversing the ice and snow of an arctic landscape。 伊薩克·朱利安的電影 和攝影系列 “真正的北方”(2005-2006)描繪了一個孤獨的面板黝黑的人穿越北極冰雪的場面。