踢毽子用英語怎麼讀?使用者24933113764323432020-02-07 02:03:33

都對。kicking shuttlecock 是泛指 kicking the shuttlecock 是指踢那種/那個 She likes kicking shuttlecock。她喜歡踢毽子。說這話不須要前話或前提。She likes kicking the shuttlecock。說這話時,剛介紹過shuttlecock,所以可以用the shuttlecock,有特指之意。e。g。,Chinese shuttlecock is an ancient sport which dates back to the Tang dynasty。 This game has since passed down and is still popular。 She likes kicking the shuttlecock。ORShuttlecock are usually made up of chicken feathers。 She likes kicking the shuttlecock。