cocky英文什麼意思?吳多多6062019-09-22 17:27:08

你好,我是【吳多多606】,很高興為你解答。cocky 是形容詞,意思是 “牛B“,常常用描寫男人很自鳴得意。例子:I can‘t stand that guy and his cock attitude。 (”cocky attitude“ 是常用的詞語)Did you see the interview with Charlie Sheen? (查理·辛) What a cocky jerk!I went on a date with John, but I really didn’t like his cocky attitude。如果女人有這種討厭的態度,我們不說 cocky,而說 stuck up (驕傲)That girl is so stuck up。 She won‘t talk to anyone。There are a lot of stuck up girls in my class。Why are you so stuck up? You’re not that pretty。 哈哈雜湊望能夠幫助你!更多專業的科普知識,歡迎關注我。如果喜歡我的回答,也請給我贊或轉發,你們的鼓勵,是支援我寫下去的動力,謝謝大家。