to開頭後接名詞的什麼形式?使用者40414390709197872019-11-17 11:20:03

“to”有兩種用法,一種是動詞不定式的標誌(比如:這家公司想要收購股份。),另一種,用作介詞。(比如:他去吃飯了。)一般的規則,to後面要加原形動詞。When “to” acts as a preposition it is usually followed by an –ing form (which in this case is a gerund) or a noun/noun phrase, as in these examples:當“to”作介詞時,後面通常會跟著動詞-ing形式(動名詞)或者名詞/名詞片語,比如:EX1。 There is no obstacle to registering the company。。當然,“to”加動詞-ing也有例外的時候。I said in the last post that when “to” acts as a preposition it is usually followed by an –ing form or a noun/noun phrase。上一次我們說到,當“to”用作動詞時,後面經常會跟著動詞-ing形式或者名詞/名詞性片語。樓主你這句話:he is old enough to dress。這考的不是to的用法,而是實意動詞dress的用法。你想過沒有為什麼不用wear,不用put on或者have on?實意動詞的用法:肯定句:主語+動詞過去式+其它否定句:主語+助動詞didn‘t+動詞原型+其他一般過去式:Did+主語+動詞原型+其他