獻醜,出洋相用英語怎麼說最合適?使用者1093062624392019-11-17 15:50:56


一,出洋相是出醜得意思。出醜[詞典]make a show of oneself; make a fool of oneself; bring shame on oneself; expose one‘s weak points; drop a brick;[例句]站起來,別躺在地上出醜了。Get up off the floor and stop making such a show of yourself。

二,獻醜則是謙虛致詞獻醜[詞典][謙]show oneself up; present a show or performance; show one’s incompetence [inadequacy];[例句]獻醜獻醜!Please do not laugh at my performance!更多專業的科普知識,歡迎關注我。如果喜歡我的回答,也請給我贊或轉發,你們的鼓勵,是支援我寫下去的動力,謝謝大家。