英語作文 你長大後想做什麼? 匿名使用者 1級 2010-03-21 回答

When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to tell me stories about the moon。 Even today, every time I watch the sky at night, I would imagine what is happening among the twinkling stars。 I hope to be an astronaut in the future so that I can walk in space。 I want to walk on the Mars and meet living creatures there。 I know it‘s not easy to be an astronaut。 So I study hard and try to learn more about space in order to be a good astronaut。

英語作文 你長大後想做什麼? 匿名使用者 1級 2010-03-21 回答

when i was in the childhood i dreamed of becaming a teacher。Because “teacher is the greatest occupation under the sun。”said a famous writer 。Teacher is a job that teach others to grow up and how to bacome a good man for our scioty。Also i can share my feelings with my dear students and gain a lot of fun from teaching 。I believe that teaching is a prosess that teachers and students improve together 。If we can help each other the relationship between teachers and students will be more hamounious。

英語作文 你長大後想做什麼? 北巷梔酒 1級 2010-03-21 回答

護士題材作文 我的媽媽是一名護士,她個子不高,有一頭蓬鬆的短髮,齊眉的留海下有一雙明澈的大眼睛,總是注意著我的舉手投足。媽媽對我雖然很嚴格,但她也很關心我。 記得一個星期六,我下課回到家,突然肚子痛。媽媽從房間裡出來,看見我捂著肚子躺在沙發上,連忙急切地問:“怎麼了,堯堯,你又肚子痛?”“嗯。”我點了點頭。媽媽坐到沙發上,一邊輕輕的揉著我的肚子,一邊焦急的問:“你是不是吃了什麼不乾淨的東西了?”“沒,沒有。”我斷斷續續的回答。“那你是不是又沒吃早飯?”媽媽心疼,又帶著責備,“你呀,總是不吃早飯,這樣胃怎麼受的了呀!”媽媽看著難受的我,心急如焚,自言自語的說:“你是因為沒吃早飯才肚子痛,現在該吃點東西,可你哪吃得下啊!這可怎麼辦?哦,對了,我去給你煮。。。