
1。農曆 :Lunar Calendar


3。剪紙:Paper Cutting

4。甲骨文:Oracle Bone Inscriptions

5。黃土高原 :Loess Plateau

6。書 法: Calligraphy

7。對聯:(Spring Festival) Couplets

8。象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters

9。雄黃酒:Realgar Wine


11。戰國:Warring States

12。風水 :Fengshui/Geomantic Omen

13。崑曲 :Kunqu Opera

14。長 城 :The Great Wall

15。集體舞 :Group Dance

16。元宵節: Lantern Festival

17。紅白喜事:Weddings and Funerals

18。中秋節:Mid-Autumn Day

19。花鼓戲:Flower Drum Song

20。儒家文化:Confucian Culture

21。中國結:Chinese knotting

22。古裝片:Costume Drama

23。武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie

24。元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)

25。越劇:Yue Opera

26。火鍋:Hot Pot

27。江南:South Regions of the Yangtze River

28。《詩經》:The Book of Songs


30。《史記》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian

31。《紅樓夢》:A Dream of Red Mansions

32。《西遊記》:The Journey to the West

33。除夕:Chinese New Year‘s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival

34。針灸 :Acupuncture

35。唐三彩 :Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery

36。二人轉 : Errenzhuan

37。偏旁 :Radical



40。黃梅戲 :Huangmei Opera

41。火 藥 :Gunpowder

42。重陽節:Double-Ninth Festival

43。印/璽 :Seal/Stamp

44。臘 八 節 :The laba Rice Porridge Festival

45。京 劇 :Beijing Opera/Peking Opera

46。秦腔 :Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera

47。太極拳 :TaiChi

48。《本草綱目》: Compendium of Materia Medica

49。天壇 :Altar of Heaven in Beijing

50。小吃攤 :Snack Bar/Snack Stand

51。紅雙喜 :Double Happiness

52。文房四寶(筆墨紙硯): The Four Treasure of the Study/Brush,Inkstick,Paper,and Inkstone

53。春捲 :Spring Roll(s)

54。蓮藕 :Lotus Root

55。羅盤 :Luopan

56。故宮博物院 :The Palace Museum

57。相聲:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue

58。五行 :Five Phases

59。北京烤鴨 : Beijing Roast Duck

60。《桃花扇》:The Peach Blossom Fan

61。木偶戲:Puppet Show

62。敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves

63。電視小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit

64。清明節:Tomb Sweeping Day

65。古箏:Chinese Zither

66。二胡 :Urheen

67。門當戶對:Perfect Match/Exact Match

68。《水滸》: Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh

69。除夕:Chinese New Years Eve

70。國子監 :Imperial Academy

71。兵馬俑: Cotta Warriors/Terracotta Army



74。潑水節:Water-Splashing Day


76。 花捲:Steamed Twisted Rolls

77。羊肉泡饃:Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup

78。冰糖葫蘆:A stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc。)

79。八寶飯:Eight-Treasure Rice Pudding

80。粉絲:Glass Noodles

81。豆腐腦:Jellied Bean Curd

82。小品:Witty Skits

83。孝順:To Show Filial Obedience

84。武術:Wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)

85。宣紙:Rice Paper

86。衙門: Yamen


88。 中庸:The Way of Medium(cf。 Golden Means)


90。東坡肉:Dongpo Pork

91。中山陵:The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

92。秦淮河:Qinhuai River

93。玄武湖:Xuanwu Lake

94。夫子廟:the Confucian Temple

95。鴨血粉絲:Duck Blood Fans

96。鹽水鴨:Yanshuiya, or Salted and Baked Duck


98。小籠包:Steamed Buns

99。明孝陵:Ming Tomb

100。雲錦:Nanjing brocade[/cp]