2011年考研題問題 But it’s interesting to wonder( if) thVeo韋韋 2019-09-28

跟if 沒有關係丫,wonder後面不管加上肯定還是否定都是表示兩方面的。

比如說I wonder if you are right。實際上跟 I wonder if you aren’t right。表達的意思都是我想知道你對不對。

2011年考研題問題 But it’s interesting to wonder( if) th繁華落盡比你高 2016-05-29


2011年考研題問題 But it’s interesting to wonder( if) thsassyd 2016-05-29

But it’s interesting to wonder(whether) the images we see every week of stress-free,happiness-enhancing parenthood (or) in some small,subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience,in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting “the Rachel” might make us look just a little bit like J。A。

2011年考研題問題 But it’s interesting to wonder( if) th187*****180 2016-05-29
