

博士研究提案和博士論文最重要的一點是【文獻綜述】【Literature Review】的寫作。文獻寫的怎麼樣,可以直接判定該學生的:



well-structured & developed

等(因為大家都是博士級別了,老外的讚揚會額外的吝嗇,被表揚了的話,那是真的收到他們發自內心的認可了,不要驕傲哦)。如果寫的一般,會有rather thin, underveloped, weak or confusion。 (也不要洩氣,找到原因,立馬跟進修改)。

文獻綜述主要由三部分構成:①與課題已有相關文獻綜述;②相關理論綜述;③類似研究框架和方法論綜述【Imporant: 所有文獻部分寫完之後一定要再回到自己的課題,比如這個理論或者研究框架可能會怎麼應用到你的課題上】。

① 與該課題已有相關的文獻綜述。需要探討其他researchers研究了什麼,獲得了什麼成果,研究的limitations。總結完之後,

找到research gap

。(越前沿越好,最好是5年內的文獻)(部分課題介紹中,會應用到case study)。【尋找research gap非常重要,這樣才能證明你的研究是有價值的,這也是所有博導最關心的問題。這個沒有捷徑,只有進行大量的閱讀】。

② 相關理論theory的研究。研究該課題需要用到什麼理論,研究理論的目的是找到一個科學的路勁迅速介入課題,避免不必要的冗長的敘述和解釋。一般一個博士課題的



③ 研究該課題需要用到什麼理論框架(Research Framework)、方法論(methodology)和方法(method)。需要“平行”去尋找相關類似的研究,總結他們的理論框架,須結合性探討理論框架的侷限性。【這塊也是博導看重的】因為一般,

一個博士論文會有兩個基本的貢獻:a. 對於該課題的共享. b. 對於研究框架的貢獻。

注意:檔案綜述作者表達意見用詞:argue/state/point out/agree with/demonstrate/articulate/imply/interpret/express/illustrate/write/explain/emphasise/stress/highlight/oppose/ ... ...








Tips: 教大家一個方法,我一般自己寫文獻綜述的時候,不習慣從上至下一段一段的寫。














德勒茲相比較福柯,他更多的是積極的介入。他首先假定主體性是一個積極positive affect的概念


巴拉多蒂(Baradotti)認可了德勒茲的subjectivity transformation的概念,但是她透過引入ethics倫理的概念,提出主體性並不是處於任意生成的模式,是有一定的限制先決條件性。



【The Sparking Thoughts of of Subjectivity】


Based at thoughts that technology can transform human identity and produce multiple identities, the existed research about cyberpunk subjectivity is alongside with agents of trans-boundary, transgression, hybridity, post-structural feminist theories by strategy of dismantling the human-machine dichotomy (Haraway, 1985; Deleuze, 1987 and 1988; Baradotti,2011)。

This starts from the stage of subjectivity of production (Foucault), subjectivity of becoming (Deleuze and Guattari), nomadic subjectivity, diaspora subjectivity to posthuman subjectivity (Baridotti)。 Through the interpretation by Foucault and Cybernetics, the power is prevalent in our society, institution and machine where he articulated how subjects were produced by powers, as a process of subjectivation。 These forms of power are closely linked with knowledge, security and health。 The later discussion about the subjectivity of becoming (becoming animal, female, minoritarian, machine, etc。)

is established at norms and principles of production of subjectivity to explore its transgressive possibilities to resist existed power structure (這個部分就說明了德勒茲相比福柯理論更遞進的一部分).

From the concept of flux, nomadic, rhizome, etc。, he proposes the singularity of subjectivity as positive differentiation, instead imagining subjectivity of becoming, rather than being (Deleuze and Guattari, 1987)。

For Awan, for a deeper research, the diaspora subjectivity is established at collective, caring about and building relations with others (並列觀點,從德勒茲延伸到當下的流散主體性的移民文化)

。 Bradotti utilises the cyborg to describe this process - ‘materially embedded cartographies’ that are self-reflexive and not parasitic upon a process of metaphorisation of “others”, which means it has an ethical implication rather than transforming subjectivity without foundation。

She utilizes Deleuze and Guattari’s insistence that desire and affect should be thought as positive to redefine affectivity towards a transformative ethics (Bradotti更厲害的一點是,她延續了德勒茲的思想,但是她發現了一個gap,那就是脫離倫理學去談主體性變化,是一個很不負責和丟失人性humanity的過程,厲害,所以人家現在是超級大牛啊).

Consequently, regarding subjects as inter-related, interdependent and interactive affecting, therefore, the post-human stance of Braidotti and others unfolds an approach of considering subjectivity as related to questions of ecology, life and living。 She states:

Life is half-animal, non-human (zoe) and half-political and discursive (bios)。 Zoe is the poor half of a couple that foregrounds bios as the intelligent half; the relationship between them constitutes one of those qualitative distinctions on which Western culture built its discursive empire。 [。。。] Zoe stands for the mindless vitality of Life carrying on independently of and regardless of rational contro

l。” (直接引用的部分用斜體)



Meanwhile, cyborg concept connects with colonial and hybrid theories, hybrid subjectivity。

Bhabha’s terminology of ‘cultural hybridity’ stresses the role of enunciation through the assumption that culture is produced performatively

。 Transcending the celebration of cultural diversity and multiculturalism, these concepts do not break the duality of ‘us and them’ as totalism。 Bhabha proposes the ‘third space’ that is situated in-between cultures from which new positions emerge (Bhabha, 1994)。 This interstitial ‘third space’ that produces cultural hybridity is by necessity both marginal and political, splitting or doubling the homogeneous space。

Haraway in her 1985 essay first published in Socialist Review, ‘A Manifesto for Cyborgs’, and later as ‘A Cyborg Manifesto’ (Haraway, 1985),

by emphasizing the interdependent relations between machines and organisms。 Haraway’s cyborg is situated and embedded in materials, social relations, matters。 The cyborg of hybridity for him is to provide an affirmative position for construction but rather within responsibility。 Through highlighting the situated relationalities that compose of cyborgian-subjectivity, she demonstrates a politics appropriate to cyborgs: affinity politics over identity politics。Materiality and ethics are both pivotal concept in Rosi Braidotti’s concept of embodied subjectivity, linking to feminism and technoscience (Bradotti, 2013)。 Besides, Braidotti regards critical engagement with the present as an inevitable drive towards an affirmative vision of the world。 Critique must be integrated with creativity for generating positive healing and connect generations。 As she argues in the chapter ‘Mothers, Monsters and Machines’ in

Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory, she is compelled to appeal to “passionate engagement in recognition of the theoretical and discursive implications of nomadic subjectivity” (Braidotti 2011: 213).

Braidotti proposes a move towards post-anthropocentrism and posthuman ethics。 XXXX XXXX XXXX 。。。 。。。


Donna Haraway

‘Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective’

, Feminist Studies, 3(1988): 575- 599。 ——

The companion species manifesto: Dogs, people and significant others

(Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003)。

Gilles Deleuze


, trans。 by Sean Hand (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988)。 ——The logic of sense, trans。 by Charles Stivale Mark Lester (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990)。 ——

‘What is a dispositif?’

, in Timothy J。 Armstrong (ed。), Michel Foucault, philosopher (New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992), pp。 159- 168。 ——

Difference and Repetition

, trans。 by Paul Patton (London: The Athlone Press, 1994)。 ——

Essays Critical and Clinical

, trans。 by Danile W。 Smith and Michael A。 Greco (London: Verso, 1998)。 ——

Gilles Deleuze


Félix Guattari

A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia

, trans。 by Brian Massumi (New York: Continuum, 2004 (1987))。

Michel Foucault

The order of things: An archaeology of the human sciences

(London: Tavistock publications, 1970)。 ——

The birth of the clinic: An archaeology of medical perception

, trans。 by Alan Sheridan (London: Tavistock Publications, 1973)。 ——

Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison

, trans。 by Alan Sheridan (London: Allen Lane, 1977)。 —— ‘

The confession of the flesh (interview)

’, (1977), http://




。 —— (ed。),

The foucault reader: An introduction to Foucault’s thought

(London: Penguin Books, 1984)。 ——, ‘

Of other space: Utopia and heterotopias

’, in Neil Leach (ed。),

Rethinking architecture: A reader in cultural theory

(London: Routledge, 1997), pp。 350-355。 —— (ed。),

Power: Essential works of foucault 1954 -1984

(London: The New Press, 2000)。

Rosi Braidotti

Nomadic subjects: Embodiment and sexual difference in contemporary feminist theory

(New York: Columbia University Press, 1994)。 ——

Transpositions: On nomadic ethics

(Oxford: Polity Press, 2006)。 ——

The posthuman

(Oxford: Polity Press, 2011)。 ——

Multiple belongings: Nomadic subjects?

(UCL Centre for Intercultural Studies, Malet Place - Eng。 1。02: 9th Nov 2007)。 ——

‘Affirming the affirmative: On nomadic affectivity’, Rhizomes

, 11/12(fall 2005/spring 2006)。

Homi Bhabha

‘The world and the home’

, Social Text, 10 (31/32)(1992): 141-153。 ——,

The location of culture

(London: Routledge, 1994)。 ——,

‘Unpacking my library again’

, The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, 28 (1) (1995 Spring): 5-18。 Ursula Biemann, ‘Sahara chronicle 2006 - 2009’。 —— (dir。),

Performing the border

, Video Essay, 45 mins (1999), English。 Ursula Biemann (ed。), Been there and back to nowhere (berlin: B-Books, 2000)。 —— (ed。),

Geography and the politics of mobility

(Koln: Generali Foundation Wien, 2003)。

