之前收到了美國數學會(AMS)名下的Mathematical Reviews的邀請信,希望我能夠作為他們的評審參與論文評論,其中要求填寫轉讓個人版權的表格(這也算是國際通用做法)。鑑於之前的一些資訊,下面是我給他們的信。

Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 01:21:39 EDT


To: , “mathrev-svc@ams。org”

Dear Editors,

Thanks for the mail and your trust。 I am very glad to become a reviewer for MathSciNet。 However before I sign this form, there is some political thing which I am very concerned。

You know that there are growing conflicts in the scientific area between the US and Chinese government, especially that recently there is a bill named Endless Frontier Act going to the congress of the US。 What if one day the US government does not allow Chinese to use the service of MathsciNet? Would the Chinese mathematicians have no right then for their contribution?

Indeed there had been new that Science publisher IEEE banned on Huawei reviewers, even though it was revoked afterward。 Therefore, I would like to know if the AMS/MathSciNet has any preparation for such a thing。

Thank you so much!

Yours sincerely,



“Edward Dunne”


2021-05-22 03:43:37 (星期六)






Fw: Re: Reviewing for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet

Dear Professor Zhang,

Mathematical Reviews and MathSciNet are activities and services of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)。 The Society has repeatedly spoken in favor of international cooperation of scientists, in particular mathematicians。 You can see some of the formal policy statements here (along with others): http://www。ams。org/about-us/governance/policy-statements/sec-ams-policystatements。

I am not an expert on the Endless Frontier Act, but the proposed law is limited to technology, services, and products that have been developed with funding from the United States government。 Since MathSciNet was developed using private funds (subscription fees) it seems to me that it would not fall within the scope of this proposed bill。

While I cannot accurately predict the future actions of the United States government, I can assure you that if the US government attempts to restrict access to MathSciNet by Chinese mathematicians, the AMS will oppose that action with full force。

I hope this information is helpful to you。 If you choose not to sign the form, hence not to become a reviewer, I will understand that choice。 However, I hope that you do choose to become a reviewer for us。 It will be good to have your expertise available。

With best regards,

Edward Dunne


Edward Dunne

Executive Editor, Mathematical Reviews

American Mathematical Society



