分析翻譯句子張達人zhdr 2014-08-03

1、When she was a sophomore, though, she took a course in biology  。

從句:When she was a sophomore, 她還是個大二學生時

評註性狀語:though, 不過/話雖這樣說

主句:she took a course in biology 他還是選修了生物學方面的一門課

2、It wasthere she discovered the wonder and excitement of scientific study of those animals she had learned to know and admire as a child tramping through the woods。

主句:It was there she discovered the wonder and excitement of scientific study of those animals 正是在那個方面他發現了那些動物科學研究的奇蹟和刺激

——這是一個省略 that的強調句,強調狀語 there 。

——there 是副詞,指代前文提到的 “在生物學方面”

——discovered 後面的賓語部分中最後的介詞短語 of those animals 修飾 scientific study,即 “對那些動物的科學研究”,而 of scientific study of those animals 又整體修飾 the wonder and excitement,即 “關於那些動物研究的奇蹟和刺激”

定語從句(修飾wonder and excitement):she had learned to know and admire as a childtramping through the woods。  她曾經像兒童徒步穿過森林一樣去學會認知並崇拜的(奇蹟和刺激)

分析翻譯句子匿名使用者 2014-08-03




分析翻譯句子bomberboom 2014-08-03
