翻譯成英語80字左右,拜託了 阿睦 8級 2009-06-20 回答

Tomorrow is the Tree-planting Festival。 It‘s warm these days。 We won’t have classes tomorrow and we will go to the park to plant trees。 We will meet at 8 o‘clock in front of the school gate and then ride bicycle to the park。 We will have lunch in the park。 Please bring your water and food with you。

翻譯成英語80字左右,拜託了 Sissi 。 3級 2009-06-20 回答

Tomorrow is the Arbor Day, the weather is warm, we went to the park, planting trees。 8 a。m。 to the school gate, the bicycle to go on to eat there。 At noon, please bring food and water。