
嗯,做了個決定:以後每次考試後,不光為大家做審題和答題觀點的解析,順便把我寫的參考範文一併放送。於是先補一篇1月4日的大作文範文,這次考試的題目解析請戳:【雅思寫作】1月4日大作文解析:年度首考 Criminal Trials。全篇範文如下:

In some countries, some criminal trails are shown on TV and the general public can watch them。 Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

It has been observed in some nations that criminal trails are broadcasted on television in order to inform the public。 In my opinion, the possible benefits of this practice are more significant than the negative impacts。

On the one hand, I admit that televised exposure for criminal trials may have adverse effects on young generation。 This is because these adolescents will be inevitably exposed to the details of criminal offenses, such as violent attack, robbery and fraud。 For those who are unable to distinguish right from wrong, they are even more likely to imitate the illegal and immoral behavior。 Away from contributing to juvenile delinquency, broadcasting the trials perhaps causes pressure on judicial officials, whose work may be affected more or less by the public opinions。

On the other hand, the live broadcast plays a more significant role in reducing crime rate。 To be explicit, when watching how delinquents are trialed and sentenced, TV viewers will learn a great deal about the law and how the legal system works。 Equipped with legal consciousness, they are able to identify what action is illegal。 Broadcasted trials also function as a deterrent to the public, especially the potential criminals, since they are afraid of their faces shown on TV after committing crimes, which is seen as a disgrace to their family。 Ultimately, aware that they are viewed by the public, lawyers and judges will try their best to make sure that the law is strictly followed and the justice is done to the highest standard。

To conclude, informing the public of criminal sentences on TV is an effective solution to reducing crime, in spite of some avoidable adverse influences。



Some people think that the climate change could have a negative effect on business。 Other people think that climate change could create business more opportunities。 Discuss both views and give your own opinion。

話題:the influences of climate change on business

關鍵詞:a negative effect on business & more opportunities for business


There has been a heated controversy about how business reacts to the climate change。 I am of the opinion that enterprises are motivated to move to a better direction。

注:在Discuss & Give題型中,不強制your opinion必須在開頭段給出,一些考官的範文中只在結尾段中給出了個人觀點。但是在我所閱讀過的大量考官範文中,大多數範文在開頭段中就給出了自己的觀點,我個人也傾向於開門見山,我認為這有利於考官對Task Response給出準確分數。


接下來是Main body 2&3的寫作。這兩段的任務相當明確,分別論證題目中some people和others兩方的觀點。注意,這兩段的topic sentence中,只能出現題中給定的雙方觀點,切勿做個人的主觀加工,相當於“命題寫作”。現在,我們一起頭腦風暴,先從some一方觀點著手,他們認為環境變化給企業造成了負面影響,那麼氣候到底發生了哪些變化?又有哪些型別的企業容易受到環境影響呢?

Global warming。 一些傳統制造業會(manufacturing industries)減產甚至被關停。它們的生產依賴傳統的礦物燃料(fossil fuels),而這些能源的使用會導致大量的溫室氣體排放(greenhouse gas emissions),是全球變暖的主要原因。

Tourism也會受全球變暖影響。海平面(sea level)的上升致使一些國家著名的沿海景點遭受了破壞。這裡可以舉到大家耳熟能詳的馬爾地夫(Maldives)為例。


Technological innovation。 企業為了combat climate change以及respond to government policies,需要採用新型能源,如low carbon fuels,這促進了企業的技術創新能力、研發能力。

Environmental protection industry順勢崛起,為一些人提供就業崗位的同時,其環保產品和服務也成為了巨大的商機。



(Background Statement)There has been a heated controversy about how business reacts to the climate change。 (Thesis Statement)I am of the opinion that enterprises are motivated to move to a better direction。

(Topic sentence)Some people argue that climate change can be catastrophic to business development。 (Explanation1) From their perspectives, manufacturing industries will bear the brunt, as the majority of them rely heavily on fossil fuels, like petrol and coal。 The consumption of these fuels are the chief culprit of global warming。 With many governments collecting the carbon emission tax to reduce the greenhouse effects, these traditional industries are confronted with decreasing economic growth and increasing unemployment。 (Explanation2) This is also suffered by tourism。 The rise in sea level caused by growing temperature damages many coastal tourist attractions。 A typical case in point is that Maldives is losing its territory。

(Topic sentence)However, there are others who believe that climate change is positive to business。 (Explanation1)In their opinion, companies have to be devoted to technological innovation facing such challenge。 Specifically, they are encouraged to develop and adopt new clean energy like low carbon fuels。 This boosts their independent innovation and competitiveness。 (Explanation2)Environmental protection industry can also take the advantage of the situation。 As an emerging industry, it provides loads of job opportunities, and its products and services create enormous wealth for society, especially when more and more people are becoming eco-conscious。

In my opinion, misfortune makes fortune。 Climate change, in spite of its disastrous effects, also creates more opportunities to new energy industries, the boom of which not only alleviates greenhouse effects, but also brings more work opportunities to society and raises the government revenue。
