iPad2019 10.2寸那款,能否推薦一款電容筆,價位不超過五百,謝謝?李青山il2020-03-02 16:30:01

首先,我不建議你買替代品,因為替代品只會讓你放棄在iPad上學習或購買apple pencil





First of all, I don‘t recommend you to buy alternatives, because alternatives only make you give up learning on the iPad or buying a pencil

Apple pencil can make the iPad closer to the experience of writing on paper。 The pen can provide a sense of pressure level, just like a pencil。 The handwriting is lighter when writing gently, and deeper when writing with a little force。

When you use Apple pencil to write, the iPad will automatically disable the touch screen, and your hand can be placed directly on the screen without fear of false touch。

In essence, the capacitive pen is just a conductor, so as to extend the touch screen of human body and form the coupling capacitance effect。 So when you write on it, there is no difference between the touch of hand and the touch of hand。 Only changing the hand touching the screen into a pen equivalent to a conductor can not provide the experience of writing on paper, and if the hand touches the screen, it will touch by mistake。

If you want to use a capacitive pen to draw on the iPad, you usually need to wear anti touch gloves, so as to achieve physical isolation from the touch screen, and the capacitive pen has no pressure sensing function。